Acupuncture is a healing modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the oldest, continually practiced forms of medicine in the world. It is safe, natural & effective in treating a multitude of conditions by using a holistic approach, getting to the root causes of symptoms and promoting total health by regulating and harmonizing the flow of life force fluids and energies within the body.
What is Acupuncture & How does it work?
Acupuncture is a healing treatment that involves the insertion of very thin needles through the client’s skin at specific points on the body. Inserting the needles into these points with appropriate combinations engages a system of meridians (or pathways) in the body through which a certain type of energy flows. This energy is our life force, known as “Qi” (pronounced “Chi”). Traditional Chinese medicine explains that all dis-ease is the consequence of imbalance in our life forces. By balancing and nourishing the Qi, acupuncture generates an overall healing response.
In more specific Western terms: Inserting acupuncture needles minutely ruptures cells to elicit the following:
1. local skin reaction
2. interaction with connective tissue
3. muscle relaxation to promote circulation
4. engagement of the Central Nervous System
5. blood coagulation and lymph circulation
6. white blood cells are recruited to boost immunity
7. encouragement of reparative DNA synthesis
Benefits of Acupuncture
If you are wondering if acupuncture can help you, the answer is undoubtedly, YES! Because the goal of acupuncture is to restore the balance of Qi, which flows throughout the entire body, the benefits of acupuncture can extend to a wide variety of conditions. Acupuncture can help with conditions in all of the following areas:
Acute/chronic pain, Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Digestive, Mental/Emotional, Respiratory, Fertility, Pregnancy, Women’s Health, Urinary, Internal, Skin
Use this link for a more comprehensive list of BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE.
For more information, with questions about Acupuncture or to schedule, please contact Heather Bree (Lac).
Heather Bree (LAc)
Contact Heather:
**Because Heather practices at different locations in the area, please be sure to specify that you would like to be seen at Cedar Walk Wellness when booking your appointment.
Initial Session/New Patient: $180 ($110 single session PLUS ‘Initial Intake’ fee of $70)
Single Session/Returning Patient: $110
Pre-Pay and Save
5 Pre-Paid Sessions: $475
10 Pre-Paid Sessions $800